@phdthesis{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00018095, author = {原, 洋祐}, month = {Mar}, note = {雑誌に発表。JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIONAL ALLERGOLOGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY. 25(4):313-315 (2015); doi:., Thesis, 原 洋祐. Analysis of mutations in the IL2RG gene in 2 Asian infants with X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency(X連鎖重症複合免疫不全症のアジア人2症例におけるIL2RG遺伝子の変異の解析)【要旨】. 信州大学, 2015, 博士論文.}, school = {信州大学(Shinshu university)}, title = {Analysis of mutations in the IL2RG gene in 2 Asian infants with X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency(X連鎖重症複合免疫不全症のアジア人2症例におけるIL2RG遺伝子の変異の解析)【要旨】}, year = {2015} }