@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00019205, author = {Ohta, Kazuchika and Nishizawa, Toshiki and Nishiguchi, Takahiro and Shimizu, Ryo and Hattori, Yoshiyuki and Inoue, Shuji and Katayama, Masakazu and Mizu-Uchi, Kazuhiko and Kono, Takumi}, issue = {8}, journal = {JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A}, month = {}, note = {We rapidly synthesized multi walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) by calcination of granulated polystyrene with nickel nanoparticles having different average diameter (D-Ni = 10, 20, 50 or 90 nm) under nitrogen gas at a certain temperature and time (700 degrees C, 15 min or 800 degrees C, 10 min), using a domestic microwave oven in order to systematically investigate the influence of the diameter of nickel nanoparticles on the diameter of MWCNTs. The MWCNTs synthesized here were characterized by a transmission electron microscope, a Raman spectrophotometer and a wide angle X-ray diffractometer. We found that for the calcination condition of (800 degrees C, 10 min), a relationship between the outer diameter of the resulted carbon nanotubes (D-CNT) and the diameter of catalytic nickel nanoparticles (D-Ni) can be described as a linear function, D-CNT = 1.01D(Ni) + 14.79 nm with the correlation coefficient R = 0.99, and that for the calcination condition of 700 degrees C, 15 min, D-CNT = 1.12D(Ni) + 7.80 nm with R = 0.95. Thus, we revealed that when the diameter of the catalytic nickel nanoparticles (D-Ni) increases by 1 nm, the outer diameter of the obtained MWCNTs (D-CNT) increases by about 1 nm.}, pages = {2773--2780}, title = {Synthesis of carbon nanotubes by microwave heating: Influence of diameter of catalytic Ni nanoparticles on diameter of CNTs}, volume = {2}, year = {2014} }