@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00019264, author = {上原, 三知}, issue = {6}, journal = {都市計画}, month = {Dec}, note = {Applications of layer analysis with past big ecological planning data to actual natural disaster prediction and reconstruction city planning confirmed usefulness of this method. We have shown the reason of non-practical use of past ecological planning big data, through an above application study process., Article, 都市計画. 62(6):68-73 (2013)}, pages = {68--73}, title = {1980年における地域計画のビッグデータ(エコロジカル・プランニング)の現代的な意義 : 災害の事前予測と復興計画への応用}, volume = {62}, year = {2013} }