@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00019799, author = {日色, 知也 and 原山, 智}, journal = {Journal of the Faculty of Science Shinshu University}, month = {Mar}, note = {The Omine Belt is located in the western margin of the Northern Fossa Magna. Western limit of the Omine Belt is the Itoigawa-Sizuoka Tectonic Line and the eastern limit is the Otari-Nakayama Fault. In the central Omine Belt, Omine Group is interbedded with six volcaniclastic beds from lower to upper stratigraphic following order, Nyunomi Formation, Sonehara Formation,Takagariyama TuffI Member,Takagariyama TuffII Member,Reishoji TuffMember and Omine Formation. After Takagariyama Tuff I Member (1.76 Ma) and Takagariyama Tuff II Member (1.75 Ma) emplaced, the denudation and resedimentation systems have been developed.The systems reflect solidification degree of these pyroclastic flow deposits. Nyukawa Pyroclastic Flow Deposit (Takagariyama TuffI Member)is mostly composed of welded tuff, and Ebisutoge Pyroclastic Deposit (Takagariyama TuffII Member) is composed of nonwelded tuff. Clastic materials derived from Ebisutoge Pyroclastic Deposit are found only at a slightly upper level of the Takagariyama TuffII Member.On the other hand, clastic materials derived from Nyukawa Pyroclastic Flow Deposit are found many horizons in upper beds of the Takagariyama TuffI Member and II.It might be stated that resedimentaion system for the Nyukawa Pyroclastic Flow Deposit continued for a long time because of its welding properties and denudation difficulty.}, pages = {9--24}, title = {長野県大町市,大峰帯中部地域の下部更新統の層序と大規模火砕流堆積物の再堆積性砕屑物}, volume = {47}, year = {2018} }