@phdthesis{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000255, author = {金城, 匠}, month = {Mar}, note = {雑誌に発表。Scientific Reports. 10(1) : 12811(2020); doi:10.1038/s41598-020-69184-8., Thesis, 金城 匠. The Gly82Ser mutation in AGER contributes to pathogenesis of pulmonary bibrosis in combined pulmonary fibrosis(CPFE) in Japanese patients (AGER遺伝子のGly82Ser変異は日本人における気腫合併肺線維症に関与する). 信州大学, 2021, 博士論文. 博士(医学), 甲第1224号, 令和3年3月31日授与.}, school = {信州大学(Shinshu university)}, title = {The Gly82Ser mutation in AGER contributes to pathogenesis of pulmonary bibrosis in combined pulmonary fibrosis(CPFE) in Japanese patients (AGER遺伝子のGly82Ser変異は日本人における気腫合併肺線維症に関与する)}, year = {2021} }