@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000531, author = {野尻湖地質グループ and 川辺, 孝幸 and 関, めぐみ and 竹下, 欣宏 and 中川, 知津子 and 長橋, 良隆 and 花岡, 邦明 and 宮下, 忠}, journal = {野尻湖ナウマンゾウ博物館研究報告}, month = {Feb}, note = {This paper summarized the geological results of the 22nd Nojiri-ko excavation carried out in March 2018. In the 22nd Nojiri-ko excavation, the Nojiri-ko Formation around the lake shore of the Ⅲ district in the Tategahana excavation site was observed after the 11th Nojiri-ko excavation in March, 1990 after an interval of 28 years. As a result, the lithostratigraphy of the Nojiri-ko formation in this area was not inconsistent with that of the Nojiri-ko formation defined again by Geological Research Group for Nojiri-ko Excavation(2004). In this excavation, the K 1 unit of the Kannoki Silt Member, the U1-3 units of the Umibata Sand and Silt Member, the T1, 2, 4 units of the Tategahana Sand Member and plastic pieces, including the F4 unit of the Fuyoko Sand and Silt Member were observed in the ascending order Based on the observation of the sedimentary structure. Of these strata, it was clear that of these strata, the T2 unit was formed by the current from south to north. This estimate is consistent with the results of the previous studies. In addition, deformational lamination, sand dykes and small landslide surfaces were observed in the well-sorted fine to medium sand bed of the U3 unit. Although it was not as clear as that for the U3 unit, deformational lamination was also observed in the sand and gravel bed of the T2 unit. These structures indicate that several large earthquakes occurred around the Tategahana Excavation Site., Article, 野尻湖ナウマンゾウ博物館研究報告. 28: 11-23(2020)}, pages = {11--23}, title = {第22次野尻湖発掘の地質学的成果-野尻湖発掘地とその周辺の地質 その22-}, volume = {28}, year = {2020} }