@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002076, author = {竹田, 愛美 and Takeda, Ami and 勝山, 優花 and Katsuyama, Yuka and 小林, 篤央 and Kobayashi, Atsuo and 中野, 日陽 and Nakano, Hiyori and 春日, 重光 and Kasuga, Shigemitsu}, journal = {信州大学農学部AFC報告}, month = {Mar}, note = {本試験では信州大学で品種登録されたワイン用ヤマブドウ品種‘貴房’について、同大学で栽培されている‘貴房’を供試し生育調査・収量調査を行った。試験区は摘心処理の有無および摘房処理の程度の違いにより4試験区に分割し、生育調査および収量調査を2020年から2022年の3年間行い、試験年毎に比較した。その結果、放任区(摘心処理を行わなかった区)では摘心区(摘心処理を行った区)と比較して栄養成長が旺盛な傾向が見られた。2020年においては3果房区の方が2果房区より有意に収量が大きかったが、果実品質に顕著な差は認められなかった。また2021年および2022年において収量および果実品質は4 試験区間で有意な差は認められなかった。これらのことから、着果房数、摘心の有無などの栽培管理方法が果実品質に及ぼす影響は少ないと考えられた。, In this study, we conducted a growth and yield survey of 'Kibou', a registered variety of wild grape for wine at Shinshu University, using 'Kibou' cultivars grown at the university. The test plots were divided into 4 test sections according to the presence or absence of tipping treatment and degree of cluster thinning, and growth and yield surveys were conducted for 3 years from 2020 to 2022. The results showed that in the unrestricted cultivation zone (no tipping treatment plots) tended to have stronger nutritional growth than that in the pruned zone (tipping treatment plots). In 2020, yield was significantly greater in the three-bunch area than in the two-bunch area, but there was no significant difference in fruit quality among the four test sections. Yield and fruit quality did not differ significantly among the four test sections in 2021 and 2022. These results suggest that the cultivation management practices like number of fruiting bunches and tipping were harvested little effect on fruit quality., Article, 信州大学農学部AFC報告 22 : 15-21, (2024)}, pages = {15--21}, title = {ヤマブドウ‘貴房’の摘心・摘房処理と3年間の生育・果実特性}, volume = {22}, year = {2024} }