@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002016, author = {渡部, かなえ}, journal = {信州大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター紀要 教育実践研究}, month = {Dec}, note = {In developing a curriculum for training educational specialists of autistic children, an inspection of the educational system for autistic children in Canada was carried out. A School Base Team (members:School Master, Head Teacher or Resource Teacher; Behavior Consultant, Classroom teacher) plans and practices IEPs (Individual Education Plan). To achieve the IEP goal, the School Board dispatches workers by the hour. An allowance is paid to the school and the guardian during compulsory school age and the autistic persons themselves after graduation There are some issues: (a) lacking of hospitals diagnosis (in Canada, autistic children need to get diagnosis by officially recognized hospitals), (b) financial issue and (c) educational inclusion failed because of the classroom teacher's and classmates' lack of knowledge and understanding of autism. Through this investigation, we could get useful suggestions for providing educational support for autistic children in Japan., Article, 信州大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター紀要 教育実践研究 9: 165-172(2008)}, pages = {165--172}, title = {カナダの自閉症児への特別支援教育事情と検討課題}, volume = {9}, year = {2008} }