@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002054, author = {宮川, 洋一 and 森山, 潤}, journal = {信州大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター紀要 教育実践研究}, month = {Sep}, note = {The network database system named "Seito Plus!" was developed in order to understand the students' school life. This database utilized the local area network in the junior high school. Teachers can register and share the information of student behaviors based on the categories that were defined in "Record of Behavior" of the cumulative guidance record by using this system. As a result of test-use for six weeks, 257 units of data were registered by 12 teachers. 22.7% of the data registered was in category D:"sense of responsibility". However, data entered for category G:"respect of life and protection of nature" were only 0.4%. These results suggested that there were differences in teachers' purposes for observation and that teachers could not only share information on students behaviors but also reflect their on own purposes for making observation by using this system., Article, 信州大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター紀要 教育実践研究 6: 33-42(2005)}, pages = {33--42}, title = {中学校における校内LANを活用した生徒理解支援データベースシステムの開発と試験的運用:指導要録における「生徒の行動状況」の観察に焦点を当てて}, volume = {6}, year = {2005} }