@inproceedings{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00020554, author = {Morishita, Takeshi and Fujii, Yoshiaki and Yatsuka, Mitsunori and Higashibara, Yoshinori}, book = {Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference}, issue = {1}, month = {Mar}, note = {At the Shinshu University Faculty of Education, student teachers are required to use ICT equipment in classes they teach during their student-teaching practicum. After the practicum, we conducted a survey among student teachers on ICT-use education. Of all about 250 student teachers, 94.9% conducted lessons using ICT equipment during their practicum. When we asked about undergraduate lectures that were helpful for conducting these classes, we found that students felt attending lectures and practice sessions run by school teachers who actively use ICT equipment and experientially learning how to connect their personal laptops to external displays as the most helpful. We also found that the leaflet summarizing real examples of ICT-use education and instruction from teachers at practicum schools served as inspiration for student teachers to use ICT equipment during their lessons. After the practicum using ICT equipment, student teachers started feeling good about ICT-use education., Article, Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference.2016(1):2223-2228(2016)}, pages = {2223--2228}, publisher = {Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)}, title = {What is Effective Undergraduate Lectures for ICT-use Teacher Training?: Factor Analysis on Student Teacher’s Practices}, volume = {2016}, year = {2016} }