@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00020620, author = {今井, 章 and Y., ロセッティ and P., レヴォル}, journal = {信州大学人文科学論集}, month = {Mar}, note = {Cormack (1973) reported the haptic illusion that a disk or coin turned end over end between thumb and forefinger feels longer to the turning hand with using both hands. Thus this illusion may be occurred by interactive effects between rotating hand and holding hand. We examined this "diskrotating" illusion by being separated effects of both hands with preparing special devices which allows participant to turn and hold two disks dividedly. Four naive participants examined a disk, and rotated it for one minute by the way of a) using both hands ordinarily, b) using both hands but turned and held two different disks separately, and c) using one hand for only turning, or only holding. The magnitude of illusion grew comparatively to the Cormack and ours (Imai et al., 2017, 2018) for the a) and b) condition, but for the c) the growth of illusion was not shown clearly. However, if we reproduced the estimated illusion using the magnitude of illusion obtained for "one-hand" condition, this estimation might show moderate illusion growing gradually. It suggests that the rotation by turning hand might activate rapid adaptation process involved in the illusion, while holding hand could be concerned into the slow adaptation process, thus both processes may contribute to this illusion.}, pages = {59--69}, title = {ディスクの回転による触覚の錯覚現象について(3) : 回転手と支持手の効果の分離}, volume = {6}, year = {2019} }