@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00020651, author = {Okubo, Noriko}, journal = {信州大学経法論集}, month = {Feb}, note = {Japanese administrative environmental ADR is quite a unique model of an environmental tribunal. It has not only general features of ADR compared to court procedures, but also some advantages as an administrative organ. In addition, the administrative ADR body at the national level has the potential for judicial review. This paper analyses the legal system and practise of the Japanese model and clarifies its characteristics and challenges., Article, 信州大学経法論集 5(ブラジル・日本国際セミナー特集号) : 117-139(2019)}, pages = {117--139}, title = {JAPANESE ADMINISTRATIVE ADR IN ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS : ITS DEVELOPMENTS AND CHALLENGES}, volume = {5}, year = {2019} }