@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00021126, author = {小林, 尚 and 中野, 繭 and 阿部, 信一郎 and 高田, 啓介}, journal = {Journal of the Faculty of Science Shinshu University}, month = {Mar}, note = {River systems are hierarchically organized from the higher-scale systems to the lower-scale systems. We examined the presence or absence of the Ajime-loach, Niwaella delicata, across the Nishino River drainage, a part of the Kiso River systems, Nagano Prefecture, Japan, to determine its habitat characteristics at both high-scale (i.e. topographical and geological) and low-scale (i.e. microhabitat) environmental factors. We found association of Ajime-loach occurrence with high link-magnitude characteristics with relatively low levels of slope and dissolved oxygen. At the high scale environmental factors, the occurrence was associated with the amount of underground riverbed flows. Our results suggest that the Ajime-loach prefers high-scale environmental characteristics that depend on topographical and geological factors., Article, Journal of the Faculty of Science Shinshu University 48 : 1-10(2019)}, pages = {1--10}, title = {木曽川水系一支流におけるアジメドジョウ Niwaella delicata の生息環境}, volume = {48}, year = {2019} }