@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002128, author = {中村, 恭之 and 岩田, 靖}, journal = {信州大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター紀要 教育実践研究}, month = {Jul}, note = {The purpose of this paper is to report the lesson of "Karadahogushi" movement practiced in elementary school. In this lesson, interrelationship between children through physical activities (physical challenges) was emphasized as the central objective. Teaching materials were composed and selected from the viewpoint of "Team Building" which facilitates problem-solving process in each group of the class. Learning outcome was considered by the score of research which focused on group-learning., Article, 信州大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター紀要 教育実践研究 2: 133-142(2001)}, pages = {133--142}, title = {小学校体育における「体ほぐしの運動」の実践事例:「仲間との交流」を中心にしたチャレンジ運動の発想を機軸に}, volume = {2}, year = {2001} }