@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00021716, author = {杉岡, 秀行}, journal = {計算数理工学論文集}, month = {Dec}, note = {Dynamic self-organization of particles due to hydro-dynamic interactions is important because it may provide new functional materials. Here, by the multi-physics calculation method based on the boundary element method combined with the thin-double-layer approximation, we numerically demonstrate that a dispersed system of six-face conductive particles having three non-active surfaces shows the dynamic self-crystallization due to hydrodynamic interactions through induced-charge electro-kinetic phenomena, whereas a dispersed system of Janus particles having a half-spherical non-active surface does not show the crystallization phenomenon. Our finding is important as a key to understand complex self-organization phenomena of various systems.}, title = {誘起電荷界面動電現象による多面粒子の自己組織化の解析}, volume = {16}, year = {2016} }