@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004238, author = {多田, 剛 and 相澤, 徹}, issue = {3}, journal = {信州医学雑誌}, month = {Jun}, note = {With recent policy changes in higher education in Japan, it has become increasingly uncertain wheter Japanese medical schools will be able to maintain their level of research activities. This is especially so in local universities like Shinshu University. Here we analyzed recent academic activity at Shinshu University School of Medicine (SUSM) based on the number of original articles published in English and their Impact Factors (IFs, by Journal Citation Reports). All English articles registered at SUSM from 2001 to 2004 were individually confirmed on the PubMed web site. Clinical papers were classified according to the evidence levels. The number of faculty members who took sabbatical leave and the duration of each sabbatical were also analyzed for the period from 1999 to 2005.Between 2001 and 2004,a total of 1,472 original articles were published by researchers at SUSM:425 in 2001,358 in 2002,407 in 2003,and 282 in 2004.Total IFs were 1136.0, 1088.5, 1174.0, and 878.5 for the corresponding years. A decrease in the number and IFs of publications is apparent for 2004. The number of randomized comparative studies was 11 out of 1,472 (0.75%). The senior institute responsible for the article on the PubMed web site was SUSM for 62% of the work, but was other institutes for the rest (38%), and the mean IFs of the articles were significantly higher for the latter papers than the former. Sabbatical leave was clearly diminishing both in numbers and in duration from 2004 onwards. These results show that research at SUMS is not growing, and facilitation of collaboration with other institutes is indispensable for faculty development and revitalization of research activities., Article, 信州医学雑誌 54(3): 117-122(2006)}, pages = {117--122}, title = {2001年から2004年に公表された英文原著論文から見た信州大学医学部の研究水準}, volume = {54}, year = {2006} }