@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004297, author = {後藤, 博久 and 瀬戸, 達一郎 and 深谷, 幸雄 and 天野, 純}, issue = {3}, journal = {信州医学雑誌}, month = {Jun}, note = {We perfomed endovascular stent grafting for two cases of chronic aortic dissection (Stanford Type B). The first case was an 83-year-old man with an abdominal aortic aneurysm and early gastric cancer. We perfomed the grafting simultaneously at a graft replacement of the abdominal aorta. The secound case was a 57-year-old man who wanted to be discharged from hospital quickly and return to work. Endovascular stent grafting is not yet an established therapy, but it can be considered a viable alternative in high-risk cases or for patients who wish to return to work without delayWe perfomed endovascular stent grafting for two cases of chronic aortic dissection (Stanford Type B)., Article, 信州医学雑誌 51(3): 153-152(2003)}, pages = {153--156}, title = {慢性B型大動脈解離に対するステントグラフト治療2例の経験}, volume = {51}, year = {2003} }