@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000626, author = {今井, 章 and 徳増, 和佳乃 and 嶋崎, 裕志 and 本田, 仁視}, journal = {人文科学論集. 人間情報学科編}, month = {Mar}, note = {We examined the relationships between apparent motion illusion and eye movements. Four subjects were asked to report a magnitude estimation value of motion impression for long-range apparent motion under conditions of (a) fixating their gaze to a center point of visual field, and (b) shifting their gaze saccadically to a point where the stimulus was presented. Three kinds of eye activities, fixation, saccadic eye movement, and eye blink were identified, and a ratio of successfully shifting their gaze for the stimulus-appeared-point to total numbers of eye movement was calculated. While motion impression of fixating-gaze condition was significantly greater than that of shifting-gaze condition, this difference was most prominent when stimulus onset frequency was 2.0Hz. When the stimulus onset frequency was low such as 1.0Hz or 1.43Hz, differences of motion impression between the fixating and the shifting conditions were smaller than those of 2.0Hz. Among the shifting condition, the motion impression and the ratio of successful shifting tended to vary in a coincident manner as a function of the onset frequency. The results suggest that eye gazing alters an impression of motion, and motion perception is influenced by the oculomotor control. The mechanism of motion perception is discussed along with the present findings and recent works., Article, 人文科学論集. 人間情報学科編 40: 1-13(2006)}, pages = {1--13}, title = {仮現運動と眼球活動との関係}, volume = {40}, year = {2006} }