@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000676, author = {佐々木, 明}, journal = {人文科学論集. 人間情報学科編}, month = {Mar}, note = {This paper describes the culture-palaeotemprature parallelism between 5.6 and 3.6 kaBC Global amelioration during the Atlantic Hypsithermal (5.0-3.6 kaBC) generally favoured the development of agricultural communities and their polarward expansion. Saharan Bovin cultures,so uthern Mesopotamian painted ware cultures,Eg yptian predynastic cultures and Anatolian copper-bronze cultures wereamongthe typical cases.T he Anatolians,w idely immigrating around the Black Sea,co nstructed the plural-society colonies in the lower Donau area. Mesopotamian painted ware agriculturists adavanced through the Iranian plateau to southwestern Central Asia. Chinese rice cultivating neolithic culture showed remarkable development,ex tending into southeaslern Central Asia and into the Indchina Peninsular. The poltery non-agricullure neolithic,ha ving diffused from northeastern Asia to northeastern Central Asia in the early Atlantic,p enetrated into north Asia and even in northern Europe. The southeasternAsian microlithic tradition spread polarwardly in Australia. Incipient maiz cultivation extended from the Mexican Altiplano to the equatorial areas,a nd in the northern Andes pottery was invented In the terminal discussions,(i) lithic preference for fishery which consumes less stone tools,(ii ) prehistoric immigration-tradee ntities are pointed out,a nd finally is presented (iii) an antievolutional explanation of the incipient agricultures; transitory botanical diet dependency in the Late Glacial-early Holocene amelioration was fixed by the anthropogenetic destruction of still unstable Holocene faunas,w hich r巴sultedgradually into the formation of agricultural technologies., Article, 人文科学論集. 人間情報学科編 35: 61-84(2001)}, pages = {61--84}, title = {中後期アトランティック期の諸文化と古気温(紀元前5.6-3.6千暦年) : 完新世の人類学(3)}, volume = {35}, year = {2001} }