@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006880, author = {百瀬, 由美子 and 山崎, 章恵 and 阪口, しげ子}, journal = {紀要}, month = {Feb}, note = {Student nurses who reported deference in their relationship with patients and find it an obstacle in effective ward training were asscssed with the self-efficacy scale. These second year student nurses (n =78) , before and after their one-week fundamental nursing practice, used the Self-efficacy Scales for Patients Relationship. We originally developed this scale from the general self-efficacy concept, and we also examined its determining factors. Self-efficacy is perceived achievement of how well a certain work has been completed, and is embodied into three sub-scales of "accepting attitude″, "professional attitude″, and "respecting attitude″. The determinants of self-efficacy entail "enactive attainment". "vicarious experience, ""verbal persuasion", and "affective states″, and we examined the correlation between the post-training self-efficacy and these determining factors. The results demonstrated significantly higher self-efficacy in all sub-scales at pre-training survey. Significant positive correlation was found between three of the self-efficacy sub-scales and the determinants of "enactive attainment", "vicarious experience″, and "verbal persuasion″. Overall, the results showed, despite the pretraining anxiety of students about patient relationship, they developed confidence in the relationship throughout a-week of ward experience. It was also suggested that student's attainment in care, high evaluation made by their instructors and encouragement among fellow students were relevant determinants., Article, 紀要 24: 71-79(1999)}, pages = {71--79}, title = {患者との関わりにおける看護学生の自己効力感(Ⅱ) : 基礎看護実習前後の比較と自己効力感を高める要因}, volume = {24}, year = {1999} }