@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006990, author = {山本, 朗}, issue = {2}, journal = {紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {It has been noticed that the hemiplegics with fair functional movement of the affected hand had shown the less frequent use of the affected side than expected in the activities of daily living. This study is a pretest to examine the function of the nondominant hand in normal subjects so that an effective evaluation can be developed for a bilateral performance of the hemiplegics. Thirteen normal subjects with right handedness performed the reciprocating motions in horizontal and vertical direction on the test table with 3 different speed in each, The inward and outward pressures of the nondominant hand set on the test table were measured by the strain-gauge. Two different placements of the nondominant band were tested: colse to the body and away from the body, like in the writing position. The results indicate that the pressure of the nondominant hand is synchronized with the motion of the dominant hand, and that the inward pressure is stronger than the outward pressure. When the speed of the dominant hand motion reaches the maximum, the inward and outward pressures of the nondominant hand also reaches the maximum. The sum total of the pressure emersion phase decreased in the inward pressure and increased in the outward direction. The placement of the nondominant hand had a sign ificant influence on the pressure of the nondominant hand., Article, 紀要 13(2): 65-73(1988)}, pages = {65--73}, title = {利き手反復動作における非利き手の働き : 机上動作の場合}, volume = {13}, year = {1988} }