@article{oai:soar-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000702, author = {佐々木, 明}, journal = {人文科学論集. 人間情報学科編}, month = {Feb}, note = {Thisp aper,b ased on1 70 Japanese articles appeared in journals pubilshed in 1965 - 1995,concludest hat revivalistic militarism has been dominant in the third world politics since the postwar depression in 1957-58. 1n the developing countries the nationale xpectation of decisive action against the economic and demographic crises easily empowered ambitious officers whose governments were at first thought to be temporal remedies. During the petrolium crises the oil money foreign aid tempted the extraparliamental regimes to their prolonged presence.T he third world sociailsm,a t oolt o maximize the tinancial aid of one of the cold war superpowers scarcely had public support in the developing countries.Re vivalistic militarism nourished by the bellicose peoples dreaming the revival of the world war economy prosperity was the unmasked reality of the third world cultures., Article, 人文科学論集. 人間情報学科編 32: 77-92(1998)}, pages = {77--92}, title = {途上国の軍国主義・社会主義・復古主義 : 20世紀の文化人類学調査対象地域 (4: 1957-87)}, volume = {32}, year = {1998} }